These calculators are not toys. They are the real deal.
Here you'll find dozens of financial calculators that are easy-to-use yet flexible and, most importantly, accurate. Unlike many other online calculators, the ones here are date sensitive, and many even support changes to interest rates, amounts, and date sequences. While other websites offer you "estimates," the below calculators will provide you with accurate results. They are not toys; they are the real deal.
The Ultimate Financial Calculator is the calculator you should be using, for example, if you need to model complex cash flows; perform analytics (PV, ROR, etc.) on a cash flow; or calculate a loan payoff or investment balance as of a specific date. Here are 25 calculation tutorials to get you started. The other calculators give you somewhat less control over dates and rates in exchange for ease and speed of use.
Hi. I have owned a copy of CValue! for a few years, paid for by my firm. I am leaving my firm and need to set up my successors with the program. They will need to buy 2 licenses. It is not clear to me if the UFC has a download so it can be run locally, with all loan files saved on the company network. The loan amortizations need to be recalculated when there is a deferral, which is nearly every quarter at this point. Without saved files with the previous cash flows, there will be much more work to re-enter. Please let me know how the new versions work.
UFC will read the files created by C-Value. You can try loading your files by going to the UFC link above and dragging the files off the network share to the box below the calculator.
If you have any issues, please let me know.
Nancy says:
Thank you for the quick response. I have been testing the UFC and it has many useful features/improvements. One issue and one question: 1/When I try to create the Schedule, it often does not do anything. Charts always works (so it’s not a pop-up issue), but Schedule only occasionally works. I tried refreshing, tried ctrl+R as you suggest elsewhere. But no luck. Any ideas? 2/Is there a way to export the UFC Schedule to Excel once created? We need this for further work with all internal loans. Or is this only possible with the older CValue!? Thanks.
Karl says:
I’m not sure why you would not always be able to create a schedule. You certainly should be. One thing to check is to see if when you can’t create a schedule there is an information or error message in a box below the calculator that might be helpful. Also, is this problem repeatable? That is, is there a particular loan that you can not get to work? Can you send me the loan details saved to a file so I can take a look? (Remove personal identifying information of course.)
The UFC, as you have discovered does not export to Excel. However, I plan to add that feature. Can you tell me how you use it the Excel exports. Are you just interested in only the data being exported, or do you need the export to be nicely formatted (color borders etc.)?
Nancy says:
The Schedule problem seems kind of random. I’ll email a file for you to see. It usually works the first time, but not if I close the schedule and try again (with or without changing something in the cash flows). I’ll see if I can find a pattern.
The Excel schedule from CValue was fine–We absolutely do not need anything fancy with color borders, etc. This is all internal work and we can format for ourselves. In fact, in some ways, plainer is better because we usually copy/paste into another Excel workbook that rolls up all the loans. Even a .CSV file could work, though having the table at the top with the specified cash flows is nice and CSV might not do that well. While I’m thinking about this, having the option in UFC schedules to leave out the annual and running totals would be nice, too. This was possible in CValue and useful depending on the ultimate use of the data.
Thanks so much for taking these requests and for the product!
Karl says:
>>While I’m thinking about this, having the option in UFC schedules to leave out the annual and running totals would be nice, too. This was possible in CValue and useful depending on the ultimate use of the data.
Good idea! I guess I missed porting that ability over to the online version.
Karl says:
Nancy, if anyone runs into the issue of not being able to calculate, please try this. Click on the "Expand" button (and then if they want to the "Collapse" button).
I think what is happening if the series dates overlap between two rows, the calculator does not calculate. What I mean by this is if in row three, for example, the start date is October 1, 2023 and the end date for the series is April 1, 2024, and then the initial date for the series in row four is say January 15, 2024 the two rows have an over lapping date series. This is not a problem, but the rows need to be expanded so the cash flow is sorted correctly. I’ll have the calculator do this automatically in the future.
Please let me know if you think this is what you are running into.
Karl says:
Thought you might like to know that I’ve added the ability to export the schedules to Excel/xlsx files to the online Ultimate Financial Calculator (the C-Value! replacement).
Click on "Schedule" and then "Continue" past the title page options.
On the export dialog, where the user enters the file name, there is also a checkbox option to "Exclude subtotals" from the Excel file.
I want a loan schedule that I can fill in with , , , , . and have it print all and break down the principle and interest every month, I have been looking for two days.
But I’m not sure what you mean you want to fill it with commas.
M says:
Hi! I am looking for a loan calculator where there is a deferred payment of a year from the date of the loan but interest is computed from the date of the loan and then payment is spread-out for the term of the loan.
On the options tab, you’ll have the ability to set the loan date followed by the first payment date one year later.
The default is for the remaining payments to be one month apart, but this too can be changed by changing the payment frequency.
Note also, there are different way the long period interest can be collected. Set the "Long Period Options" as needed.
Let me know if I’ve missed anything and how you make out. says:
need to generate Truth in Lending Disclosure information
Karl says:
Please use this APR Calculator. It will create a compliant TILA disclosure statement.
Daniel Parish says:
Good afternoon. About a month ago I was checking out various online calculator site and happened upon I did not have the time then to explore in depth what had available. The calculator that I checked a month ago allowed the following variables: principal loan amount, loan date [with no payment (principal or interest) due, i.e. a six month grace period before the first payment],the date when the first payment is due, annual interest rate, payment frequency, compounding frequency, number of payments. Now having the time to explore your various calculators, I cannot seem to find that calculator. I pulled up your “Loan Calculator” calculator and plugged in the variables. When I clicked on calculate, the result appears to have what I was wanting EXCEPT FOR it reflects an interest payment being made on the loan date (which the hypothetical was 01/09/24) DESPITE entering a hypothetical 1st Payment Due date of 07/15/24. The calculator I looked at a month ago is the type of calculator (with the variables above) I would use for preparing documents. Are you able to direct me to which AccurateCalculators calculator I looked at a month ago that allows a delay of any payment (principal and interest)? Thank you for your kind assistance.
Karl says:
I think you can do what you want using the loan calculator. You’ll need to look at the "Long Period Options" and "Short Period Options" on the options tab. Those options control when interest is paid.
Also, you can check out this YouTube tutorial about interest options for the first period. The tutorial covers a different calculator, but the concepts about the first payment are the same.
Let me know how you make out with this information.
brazucacanucka says:
Hi, I’m using UFC to calculate an amortization schedule on a variable rate Canadian mortgage. Rates have been dropping and I enter a line for the new interest rate on the date it decreases. However, instead of the month-end principal (for the month of the rate change) decreasing immediately (as it should), it instead increases initially, and takes a few months before it then drops below the month-end principal computed by reference to the old rate. I think what might be happening is that when the rate change occurs, the program adds the accrued interest up to the rate change date to the principal, then begins computing at the new rate. Effectively, it’s compounding more quickly than it should. thoughts?
Karl says:
Thank you for your comment.
Without specific numbers, I can only talk in general terms. However, your description of the interest calculation (“I think what might be happening is that when the rate change occurs, the program adds the accrued interest up to the rate change date to the principal, then begins computing at the new rate.”) is correct, and that’s the way the calculator is designed.
But, when you change the rate, there is an option to change the compounding, and one of the options available to you is “none.”
Please try selecting it and see if it gives you the results that you expect.
pjake says:
I can’t find where I stored my charts?
Karl says:
By default, they would go to your browser’s download location.
Bridgette says:
Hi! Long-time fan, first-time poster 🙂 Do any of the interest calculators show the Odd Days for Reg Z calculations? Wrestling with first payment dates on 2/28 due to Fed Calendar treating them as “end of month.” Thanks!
Karl says:
Welcome! 🙂
Do you want to calculate the APR and/or create a disclosure statement?
The APR calculator will do both. It will also allow the cash flows to be on any date, so it will easily support Feb. 28th payments.
If this is not what you meant, please provide some more details.
Nancy Spady says:
Hi. I have owned a copy of CValue! for a few years, paid for by my firm. I am leaving my firm and need to set up my successors with the program. They will need to buy 2 licenses. It is not clear to me if the UFC has a download so it can be run locally, with all loan files saved on the company network. The loan amortizations need to be recalculated when there is a deferral, which is nearly every quarter at this point. Without saved files with the previous cash flows, there will be much more work to re-enter. Please let me know how the new versions work.
Karl says:
The Ultimate Financial Calculator (UFC) replaces C-Value!.
They can purchase subscriptions to UFC here.
UFC will read the files created by C-Value. You can try loading your files by going to the UFC link above and dragging the files off the network share to the box below the calculator.
If you have any issues, please let me know.
Nancy says:
Thank you for the quick response. I have been testing the UFC and it has many useful features/improvements. One issue and one question:
1/When I try to create the Schedule, it often does not do anything. Charts always works (so it’s not a pop-up issue), but Schedule only occasionally works. I tried refreshing, tried ctrl+R as you suggest elsewhere. But no luck. Any ideas?
2/Is there a way to export the UFC Schedule to Excel once created? We need this for further work with all internal loans. Or is this only possible with the older CValue!?
Karl says:
I’m not sure why you would not always be able to create a schedule. You certainly should be. One thing to check is to see if when you can’t create a schedule there is an information or error message in a box below the calculator that might be helpful. Also, is this problem repeatable? That is, is there a particular loan that you can not get to work? Can you send me the loan details saved to a file so I can take a look? (Remove personal identifying information of course.)
The UFC, as you have discovered does not export to Excel. However, I plan to add that feature. Can you tell me how you use it the Excel exports. Are you just interested in only the data being exported, or do you need the export to be nicely formatted (color borders etc.)?
Nancy says:
The Schedule problem seems kind of random. I’ll email a file for you to see. It usually works the first time, but not if I close the schedule and try again (with or without changing something in the cash flows). I’ll see if I can find a pattern.
The Excel schedule from CValue was fine–We absolutely do not need anything fancy with color borders, etc. This is all internal work and we can format for ourselves. In fact, in some ways, plainer is better because we usually copy/paste into another Excel workbook that rolls up all the loans. Even a .CSV file could work, though having the table at the top with the specified cash flows is nice and CSV might not do that well. While I’m thinking about this, having the option in UFC schedules to leave out the annual and running totals would be nice, too. This was possible in CValue and useful depending on the ultimate use of the data.
Thanks so much for taking these requests and for the product!
Karl says:
>>While I’m thinking about this, having the option in UFC schedules to leave out the annual and running totals would be nice, too. This was possible in CValue and useful depending on the ultimate use of the data.
Good idea! I guess I missed porting that ability over to the online version.
Karl says:
Nancy, if anyone runs into the issue of not being able to calculate, please try this. Click on the "Expand" button (and then if they want to the "Collapse" button).
I think what is happening if the series dates overlap between two rows, the calculator does not calculate. What I mean by this is if in row three, for example, the start date is October 1, 2023 and the end date for the series is April 1, 2024, and then the initial date for the series in row four is say January 15, 2024 the two rows have an over lapping date series. This is not a problem, but the rows need to be expanded so the cash flow is sorted correctly. I’ll have the calculator do this automatically in the future.
Please let me know if you think this is what you are running into.
Karl says:
Thought you might like to know that I’ve added the ability to export the schedules to Excel/xlsx files to the online Ultimate Financial Calculator (the C-Value! replacement).
Click on "Schedule" and then "Continue" past the title page options.
On the export dialog, where the user enters the file name, there is also a checkbox option to "Exclude subtotals" from the Excel file.
Hope this is useful for your team.
Lynn says:
I want a loan schedule that I can fill in with , , , , . and have it print all and break down the principle and interest every month, I have been looking for two days.
Karl says:
Have you looked at the amortization schedule?
But I’m not sure what you mean you want to fill it with commas.
M says:
Hi! I am looking for a loan calculator where there is a deferred payment of a year from the date of the loan but interest is computed from the date of the loan and then payment is spread-out for the term of the loan.
Karl says:
It sounds as if this loan calculator will do what you want.
On the options tab, you’ll have the ability to set the loan date followed by the first payment date one year later.
The default is for the remaining payments to be one month apart, but this too can be changed by changing the payment frequency.
Note also, there are different way the long period interest can be collected. Set the "Long Period Options" as needed.
Let me know if I’ve missed anything and how you make out. says:
need to generate Truth in Lending Disclosure information
Karl says:
Please use this APR Calculator. It will create a compliant TILA disclosure statement.
Daniel Parish says:
Good afternoon. About a month ago I was checking out various online calculator site and happened upon I did not have the time then to explore in depth what had available. The calculator that I checked a month ago allowed the following variables: principal loan amount, loan date [with no payment (principal or interest) due, i.e. a six month grace period before the first payment],the date when the first payment is due, annual interest rate, payment frequency, compounding frequency, number of payments. Now having the time to explore your various calculators, I cannot seem to find that calculator. I pulled up your “Loan Calculator” calculator and plugged in the variables. When I clicked on calculate, the result appears to have what I was wanting EXCEPT FOR it reflects an interest payment being made on the loan date (which the hypothetical was 01/09/24) DESPITE entering a hypothetical 1st Payment Due date of 07/15/24. The calculator I looked at a month ago is the type of calculator (with the variables above) I would use for preparing documents. Are you able to direct me to which AccurateCalculators calculator I looked at a month ago that allows a delay of any payment (principal and interest)? Thank you for your kind assistance.
Karl says:
I think you can do what you want using the loan calculator. You’ll need to look at the "Long Period Options" and "Short Period Options" on the options tab. Those options control when interest is paid.
Also, you can check out this YouTube tutorial about interest options for the first period. The tutorial covers a different calculator, but the concepts about the first payment are the same.
Let me know how you make out with this information.
brazucacanucka says:
Hi, I’m using UFC to calculate an amortization schedule on a variable rate Canadian mortgage. Rates have been dropping and I enter a line for the new interest rate on the date it decreases. However, instead of the month-end principal (for the month of the rate change) decreasing immediately (as it should), it instead increases initially, and takes a few months before it then drops below the month-end principal computed by reference to the old rate.
I think what might be happening is that when the rate change occurs, the program adds the accrued interest up to the rate change date to the principal, then begins computing at the new rate. Effectively, it’s compounding more quickly than it should. thoughts?
Karl says:
Thank you for your comment.
Without specific numbers, I can only talk in general terms. However, your description of the interest calculation (“I think what might be happening is that when the rate change occurs, the program adds the accrued interest up to the rate change date to the principal, then begins computing at the new rate.”) is correct, and that’s the way the calculator is designed.
But, when you change the rate, there is an option to change the compounding, and one of the options available to you is “none.”
Please try selecting it and see if it gives you the results that you expect.
pjake says:
I can’t find where I stored my charts?
Karl says:
By default, they would go to your browser’s download location.
Bridgette says:
Hi! Long-time fan, first-time poster 🙂 Do any of the interest calculators show the Odd Days for Reg Z calculations? Wrestling with first payment dates on 2/28 due to Fed Calendar treating them as “end of month.” Thanks!
Karl says:
Welcome! 🙂
Do you want to calculate the APR and/or create a disclosure statement?
The APR calculator will do both. It will also allow the cash flows to be on any date, so it will easily support Feb. 28th payments.
If this is not what you meant, please provide some more details.