Contact Us


Pine Grove Software, LLC
dba: Accurate Calculators
PO BOX 186
Pennington, NJ  08534 US

E: webmaster [@] AccurateCalculators [.] com
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P: 888-577-2252
All calls are screened. Please leave a clear message.

For Windows software support for prior versions of SolveIT!, C-Value! & AmortizeIT!:

E: support [@] pine-grove [.] com
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For any question or issue you may have with an online calculator, please leave your question in the comment section on the appropriate calculator page. We'll be happy to help you. Thank you.

The online calculators were first released in 1996 and were previously hosted at:

Founder: Karl Thompson

Karl Thompson image
Karl Thompson's LinkedIn profileView Karl's profile
financial professionals, attorneys, accountants, real estate professional etc. and programmers too, feel free to connect

I have been creating software calculators, first for DOS, then Windows and now the internet since 1983.

I hold a B.A. from Grove City College in English with a minor in economics. Additionally, I studied software development at New York University (NYU) and The New School in New York City.