WordPress Plugins

Financial Calculators for Your Website or Blog.

Do you write a blog? Own a car dealership? Or are otherwise involved in financial services? Then you should consider adding one (or all!) of my financial calculators to your website. They are all easy to install. And for now, they are all free. More below...»

Loan Calculator

Original Size

Above is the new Loan Calculator Plus wordpress plugin

Select from 4 predefined sizes:

large, medium, small, tiny

Above is being show at the large width.

If your website is built using WordPress use a "plugin". If your website is built using plain HTML/CSS/JavaScript use a "widget". It's that easy.

Note, if you have a WordPress site, and you want to install a calculator in a WordPress "widget area", you still download and use the "plugin". :-)

Plugins for Sites Built with WordPress

Plugins are fully customizable. Click on the appropriate link below for all details.

Naturally plugins come with full support. Support is provided via the WordPress.org support forums. Please see the link on each plugin's page.

36 Comments on “Calculator Plugins”

Join the conversation. Tell me what you think.
  • Great calculators! thanks for making these available. For the HTML loan calculator Widget, is there a way to include user entry fields for the loan date and/or first payment date? Thanks.

    • Thanks, Barry, glad you like them. As to the plugin, with all plugins hosted at WordPress.org (which these are) the user gets all source code. If you are a programmer, you should be able to add a date field. Or your website developers should be able to do it. But how to do it and the formulas you would need is well beyond the scope of support that I’m able to provide.

      • Thanks. Not sure if the answer would be any different, but I was asking about the html version. We don’t use WordPress for our website.

  • Is there an option for calculators created in excel? I have a client that has made a ton of them but I can’t find a way to transfer them to the wordpress site.

    • Are you asking for WordPress support? Sorry, but this is not the right forum for that.

      • No – just help with finding the right way to export my client’s calculators from excel to the website I am creating for him.

  • Hi! I want some calculators made can you make them for me ? I would like to discuss further please connect with me on my email.

  • andrea broussard says:

    How do I get the Loan Calculator

    • Please flow the download link on this page. The documentation for the calculator is on that page as well. Note, that you must have a WordPress site to install the calculator.

  • Sathyaprakash says:

    Hi Karl, Thanks for this great plugin. I would like to just go a little deep into the code. I need the chart to be displayed parallel to the results area instead of popup by clicking buttons. Could you please help to find the right solution.

    • You’re welcome. First, are you a programmer? You will need to be able to make a lot of significant changes to the code. Then you’ll have to be able to minify the scripts using Google’s Closure compiler service.

      • sathyaprakash says:

        Nope Karl.Im not a strong programmer. I can pay you for this simple fix. Please replay me on private mail to do a custom changes in this plugin.

  • Hi Karl, installed the retirement calculator via plugin on my brazilian page in development. Renamed the files in /wp-content to pt_BR. Also translated some words which differ to portuguese from Portugal. The shortcode works, but it is not calculating… any idea?
    prepri.com.br (at the end of the page).

    Cheers, Bernd

    • Hi, strange, it calculated for me.

      Idade de aposentadoria projetada: 65
      Número de Contribuições (#): 437
      Montante total investido: $346,935.00
      Juros Obtidos:      $757,751.54
      Est. Valor Final:  $1,104,686.54
      Data do último depósito:  09/01/2058

      Maybe you needed to reload the page?

      If it still does not work for you, then look at the console under developer tools (press F12 on Windows) and see if you see any error messages.

    • I just tried changing some input values, and I did get an error. No idea what it means though:

      interface.RETIRE-AGE-WIDGET.js?ver=5.9.2:70 Uncaught Error: A data não é válida - mau ano.
          at interface.RETIRE-AGE-WIDGET.js?ver=5.9.2:24:289
          at interface.RETIRE-AGE-WIDGET.js?ver=5.9.2:75:392
  • Hi Karl, the link to the loan calculator widget is broken. Do you not have that any longer?


  • Robinson Gomez Rosario says:

    Saludos como se puede añadir el boton imprimir en el cronograma de los pagos.

    • Hello, you’ll need to have a programmer study the code and add the feature.

      Hola, necesitará que un programador estudie el código y agregue la función.

  • Does the wordpress version reside on the same website or is the calculator loading remotely?

    • The plugin runs entire on the WordPress site that it is installed on. There are no other dependencies.

  • I am trying to remove the default stylesheets from your awesome plugin, but can’t seem to get my code to work:

    function remove_fincalcs_stylesheet() {
    wp_dequeue_style( ‘fincalcs-style’ );
    wp_deregister_style( ‘fincalcs-style’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘remove_fincalcs_stylesheet’, 100 );

    What am I missing? I love your plugins by the way. I’m just an anti-bloat snob and would prefer not to simply override the styles.

    FC Retirement Age Calculator v1.5.3
    WordPress v6.1.1

    • The file name for the stylesheet is ‘fin-calc-widgets.min.css.’ I’m not sure if you need to include the ‘.css’ extension or not.

      Also, your question is a general programming question about WordPress functionality. It just happens to use my plugin for an example. I would ask your question on the WordPress support forums, if my suggestion does not work.

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