Retirement Age Calculator

Calculate your projected retirement age

The Retirement Age Calculator makes it straight forward for you to answer the most fundamental retirement question, "At what age can I retire?". The calculator only needs answers to a few questions. More below

© 2022, Pine Grove Software, LLC
$ : mm/dd/yyyy


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Calculator Details

The calculator has 11 inputs, 6 of them are required:

  • Your Current age
  • Annual contribution toward retirement
    • and/or Current retirement savings
  • ROI for retirement savings
  • Retirement lasts how many years
  • Desired retirement income
  • ROI during retirement

There are 5 optional inputs. Any or all can be left at 0.

  • Annual contribution increase
  • Current retirement savings
  • Income from government
  • Other annual income
  • Annual inflation rate

Click on the [Help] button for more details about each input.

If "For retirement income, withdraw only interest" is checked, you'll not be able to enter a value for "Retirement lasts how many years" since withdrawing only the interest means the principal will remain untouched. Theoretically, the income will last in perpetuity. An exception to this will be if you enter a value for "Annual inflation rate", then only the first withdrawal will equal the interest earned for the year. Subsequent withdrawals will be more than the interest earned to compensate for inflation.

Hopefully this retirement age calculator gives you insights into your retirement options. If the calculated age is older than you would like, you basically have four options available to reduce the age:

  1. Increase the annual contribution
  2. Achieve a higher rate of return on your retirement savings
  3. Achieve a higher rate of return during retirement
  4. Reduce your desired retirement income

6 Comments on “Retirement Age Calculator”

Join the conversation. Tell me what you think.
  • Excellent calculator….validates my Excel spreadsheet that I created to show basically the same thing. But yours is much faster, easier to input values, and shows a chart that is easy to understand and teach others.

    Nice work.

    • Thank you, and thank you for taking the time to let me know.

      Speaking of inputting values, I just released an update this morning to this retirement calculator that lets the user save a custom URL. They can use the URL to preload the calculator with their values the next time they try it. Nothing to enter to get started. Just edit the values that have changed. (It too will solve for retirement age.)

  • Hi Karl,

    Great website and calculators! Question: Do you have the WordPress plugin available for your Retirement Age Calculator? The one I installed on our commercial website is shortcode: [fcretireageplugin] however, it is not the same as shown above (

    Thanks in advance!

    • Hi Nathaniel, thanks. I appreciate the compliment. I have only the one retirement age plugin at this time. And before you ask :-), there are no immediate plans for an update either. The website itself is taking all my time.

      • Thank you for the quick response. Any chance you would have a version of code we could embed onto our website and newsletter?

        Thanks in advance.

        • Nothing off the shelf. If you have a budget for development and licensing, I can support a request for a version of the calculator for your website. If you want to pursue that, you can reach me via the contract link at the bottom of any of these web pages.

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