Accurate ROI Calculator


For reference, per the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. S&P 500 index gained about 25% in 2023.

This ROI calculator (return-on-investment) calculates an annualized ROR (rate-of-return) using exact dates. This financial calculator allow you to compare the result of different investments. More below

© 2022, Pine Grove Software, LLC
$ : mm/dd/yyyy


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Date selection via pop-up calendar

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As a side benefit of this calculator's date accuracy, you can also use it to do date math calculations. That is, it will find the date that is "X" days from the start date or given two dates, it will calculate the number of days between them.

Calendar Tip: When using the calendar, click on the month at the top to list the months, then, if needed, click on the year at the top to list years. Click to pick a year, pick a month, and pick a day. Naturally, you can scroll through the months and days too. Or you can click on "Today" to quickly select the current date.

If you prefer not using a calendar, single click on a date or use the [Tab] key (or [Shift][Tab]) to select a date. Then, as mentioned, type 8 digits only - no need to type the date part separators. Also, because the date is selected, you do not need to clear the prior date before typing. If your selected date format equals mm/dd/yyyy, then for March 15, 2023, type 03152023.

Recent: Your desired ROR

At some point, a user might need to know what they should pay for an investment to achieve a desired return-on-investment. Or what they need to sell it for if they have already entered into the invesetment.

With the most recent update, this calculator can now perform either calculation. All the user need do is provide the goal ROI (and click "Calc" to update). The calculator calculates the adjustment amount required for both the initial investment and the final value. It also calculates the absolute amount for both.

To double-check the accuracy of the results, copy and paste the value into the appropriate location and recalculate. The ROI should now equal your goal ROI (plus or minus a minimal rounding amount).

And now for an essential word about ROI/ROR financial calculators.

Because two different calculators may use different equations, don't compare the results from one ROI calculator for one investment with results from another calculator for a different investment. Always use the same calculator to compare two different investments.

58 Comments on “Roi Calculator”

Join the conversation. Tell me what you think.
  • How do i calculate ROI on my super to see if my super has made good investments or not?
    Opening balance : 58832.40

    Closing balance : 67925.54

    For financial year
    Employer contributions was : 7448.87
    Fees : 2291.56
    Return : 3935.83

    Sir how would i know if my super has done good job in this financial year?.please advise

    • Since your requirement involves additional contributions and fees, you can’t use the ROI calculator.

      Rather, please use this calculator. The IRR calculator is designed to calculate an annualized rate-of-return and the user can make adjustments during the year (or over multiple years).

      If you try it, and have questions, please ask. Or I would also appreciate hearing how you make out or what you think.

  • Mohamed Salah says:

    please help
    if i have a land with 19M
    and an improvements on assets with 6M

    so here would i calculate the total invested amount on 25M or only 6M

    with the knowledge that total returns for 15 years will be 20,092,368

    • First of all, I don’t think you should be using this ROI calculator. It’s not meant for a calculation that has a cash flow.

      Please look at this IRR calculator. It’s designed to calculate a rate of return with a cash flow, which I assume the property is throwing off. Yes, you should include both the property cost and improvements in the cash flow. Then for final value, include the value of the land as well (as it might appreciate).

      Check out the suggested calculator, and if you have questions, just ask.

  • Hey Karl, great calculator. If I want to compute this by hand, what is the math? thank you, paul

  • Deepak bedi says:

    Let’s say if I started my portfolio with $100000 in 1st jan 2019
    And I added another 50000 k on 1st March 2019. ( aa capital )
    Then again I added another 20k on oct 1st 2019
    And end of 2019 my total portfolio value is say $ 200000
    So what is my ROI for year 2019
    Please reply

    • That’s an easy calculation. You just need to use a different calculator.

      Please use the IRR calculator (internal-rate-of-return). This calculator allows the user to have various investments (and withdrawals). The ROI calculator, as you have discovered, only is for when there is a single amount invested.

  • David Fonseca says:

    If I invest $500,000 (options for 400K, 300K, 200K and 100K, depending on the number of investors with a maximum of 5) in a real estate venture where I am paid quarterly payments of 8% that are interest only, and at the end of 5 years I am paid all of my $500,000 back (owner refinancing to pay off investors and I have to accept my investment back at that time), what is my total return? I will have a lien on the property as collateral.

    In above question, I forgot to state that owner will pay the $500K back as well as 40% of the appraised increase in the property value.

    • First, you’ll need to use the IRR Calculator. The internal-rate-of-return is an ROI calculation with a cash flow. Briefly, you’ll enter the $500,000 investment and then the interest received. The final entry should be the total case amount you expect to receive if you were to fully liquidate the investment.

      Once you look at the recommended calculator, if you have any questions, just ask them.

  • Judy Bouey says:

    If I invest 100k on 1/1 and withdraw 10k at the beginning of every quarter thereafter (let’s assume 30k total)and my balance on 12/31 is 125k, how do I calculate my annual rate of return?

    • You’ll need to use the IRR Calculator. The internal-rate-of-return calculator calculates a rate-of-return when there’s a cash flow. Briefly, you’ll enter the $100,000 investment and then the $10,000 withdrawals. The final entry should be the total cash amount ($125,000) you expect to receive if you were to fully liquidate the investment.

      Once you look at the recommended calculator, if you have any questions, just ask them.

  • Amanda Aceves says:

    Hello, i invested in land in Mexico – Bacalar,
    $ 20,000.00 USD, 15/12/2019 i bought the land,
    now in days 21/07/2020 the actual price is $ 70,000.00 USD, im going to sell it and is moving forward 🙂
    how do I calculate my ROI.


    • hi, please fill in the calculator this way:

          Amount Invested (PV)?:         $20,000.00
          Amount Returned (FV)?:         $70,000.00
          Days (-9,999 < # < 47,482)?:          219
          Start Date (year > 1969)?:   Dec 15, 2019
          End Date (year < 2100)?:     Jul 21, 2020
  • Hello,

    I’m trying to calculate the annual R.O.I. for the following:

    Four different invested amounts at various intervals over a two year period, then the return of a portion about six months later and a total value two years after that.

    Thank You

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